Sunday, February 9, 2014

Maggie's Journal #3

1). Hugo is clearly a story-teller. The way he recalls his stories puts you right there with him. I believe that my favorite story that he told throughout this book was “Spinnazola” (82-84). The way that Hugo describes his battles with hitchhiking makes you furious for him. After being so frustrated and overwhelmed with the war, all he wanted to do was relax and unwind. It would be infuriating to spend hours on the side of the road – every single person refusing to help you, even other soldiers. However, it was not the hitchhiking part of this story that really got to me.
When Hugo finally arrived at his destination he sat down. Took a breath. And just let everything go. Something about this story just seems so familiar to me. Being absolutely stressed and overly involved, having lost sight of everything that matters. Every since of joy in the world. Hugo finally realized that he needed to just take a second and unwind. Watch the natural beauty that God had provided right before him. Or maybe, maybe he didn’t realize that. Maybe that’s all that his body would allow him to do. Hugo says, “…the doctor would explain it as a moment of surrender, when my system could no longer take the fear and the pressure and I gave up” (84). I cannot imagine always being in fear of your life, worrying what is to come next. However, I am more familiar with the feeling of surrender then I would like to be. And honestly, my life has gotten unimaginably better since I just laid down my cares.
3). Hugo touches on many important topics throughout his writing. Whether honesty, appreciation, obsession, or vulnerability, I believe that all of his topics are very important when related to life. That is one of my favorite things about Hugo. He doesn’t write about simple surface stuff. He doesn’t write what he thinks that people want to hear. Hugo writes the truth, even if it’s not exactly something that you want to hear. However, throughout this whole book there is one subject that has stuck with me. A reminder that every single person needs to hear. “You are someone and you have a right to your life. Too simple? Already covered in the Constitution? Try to find someone who teaches it. Try to find a student who knows it so well he or she doesn’t need it confirmed” (65). Hugo brings up a really valid point. This country was founded on the right to freedom. The right to life. However, often times it seems that people forget that. They spend precious time doing what other people want, fulfilling other people’s expectations instead of fulfilling their own dreams. People today are so concerned with what everybody else thinks it’s ridiculous. I honestly believe that people spend more time pondering what everyone else will think instead of thinking for themselves. It’s not right or fair to withhold thoughts and feelings just because it may not be what others want to hear. It’s time to realize that nobody deserves to be happier than you, fight for what you want. Don’t hold back.


  1. I wonder if "Spinnazola" means something in Italian. Something to the effect of "getting away from fear" or "let it go" (Frozen moment right there). It probably doesn't have a meaning to its name, but I would think those two ideas would be a good fit.

    I also like your view on society in general. People should do what they want to do with the fear of other people's judgment. Saying that and actually doing something to change it are two different things though. This cycle has been happening since before the US was a country and it'll probably go on long after we're all dead. Maybe people should hitchhike to "Spinnazola" and chill out for awhile.

  2. I agree with you, Hugo's recalling of stories throughout the book makes you feel like you are right there with him. The story you provided also resonated with me in a similar manner; I feel it's imperative to take time to unwind regardless of the situation. I also like how you said that Hugo writes about things that matter and on life topics, that is something very easy to notice while reading his work.


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